Hello! This website was dormant for over two years, but now (3 March 2025) I’m back and working to update it so that it again serves the global mental health community. Please bear with me while I find bits of time here and there to work on it and make it up-to-date and useful.
Newsletter! I also publish the newsletter Global Mental Health Unboxed (events, job ads, publications and resources) and after a pause, will be publishing it again monthly; please subscribe and share.
This website was launched by Gergana Manolova, an MSc Global Mental Health graduate and researcher with the purpose of improving knowledge and research evidence on mental health. Here you will find information about global mental health events and resources (please note that as of March 2025 I’m updating these pages bit by bit, so come round again in a few days to see the updates). You can find an up-to-date listing of global mental health events on the page ‘Global Mental Health Events List‘. The newsletter I write Global Mental Health Unboxed (Substack, free) lists events, publications, job ads and resources in the global mental health field. Please subscribe if you find it useful and let other people know who may benefit from it.
This website also hosts a supplement for the Newsletter of the Volunteering and International Psychiatry Special Interest Group (VIPSIG), asking psychiatrists, GPs and psychologists to report on their experiences of mental health work for COVI19 around the world (pdf opens in separate tab).
Additionally, the website hosts the content of the special edition Newsletter dedicated to World Health Day 2017 with its theme on depression. Read the collected texts from contributors on over 35 countries in the section ‘Depression around the World‘.
If you are interested in reading more about me, or getting in touch with me, use the ‘About Me‘ page.